Privacy Policy

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Nationwide Property Lettings are committed to protecting and respecting client & customer privacy in all of our interactions.
The Privacy Policy of Nationwide Property Lettings sets out the basis on which we will process any personal information we collect about you or that you provide to us.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time.

About us
For the purposes of UK data protection law, the data controller is:
Nationwide Property Lettings of Queens House, College Court, Regent Circus, Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 1PZ
Our Data Protection Officer is Gary Sumner and he can be contacted by emailing

Our policy complies with UK law accordingly implemented, including that required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you with regard to the processing and control of your personal data.

We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at:

Information which we and our partner organisations may collect about you: We use Homelet to carry out our referencing and Home Office required ‘Right to Rent’ checks. Homelet have their own Data Protection policies which will apply when you complete the required consent forms which are compliant with UK Data Protection Law.

Information you specifically provide to Nationwide Property Lettings may include your name, address, telephone numbers, email address and other contact details. You may be asked to provide names and contact details for your next of kin and in connection with the ‘TDS – The Dispute Service (Tenancy Deposit Scheme) you may be asked to provide a forwarding address for post tenancy correspondence. You may be asked for your children’s name and date of birth to ensure that we know who is occupying the property you may rent and at which time it becomes necessary under UK law for those individuals to be named on a tenancy agreement.

Tenants - We collect and process the following information about you:
When you contact us about a property you will provide details including name, telephone number and we may request such additional information as may be appropriate in assessing the suitability for a particular property (number of occupiers, children, pets, employment etc).

When you apply to rent a property you will complete a ‘Breakdown Form’ for our company which will include your name, address, telephone numbers, email address, salary, children’s name & date of birth, salary and basic credit and employment questions. You will give your authority to provide this Information by signing our consent at the end of the form.
If you are granted a tenancy, we will also use the contact information to provide you with the services you would expect of us including maintenance (your contact details will be shared with contractors for the purposes of repairs/servicing/improvements to make arrangements to carry out those works.

From time to time outside parties (Surveyors, Energy Assessors, Mortgage Valuers, Estate Agents and landlords who may wish to contact you to arrange access to your property and such details as are required (name, address, telephone number, email) will be provided to allow you to be consulted on access.

Landlords - We collect and process the following information about you:
When you use us to rent your property (managed or ‘introduction only’) you will provide details including name, telephone number, insurer, mortgage provider, block management company (in the case of apartments) and ‘alternative contact details’ – if for example we are unable to reach you. You will provide bank details (account number/sort code) so that you are paid.
We will also use the contact information provided to ensure contractors are able to place your name on your invoices or contact you regarding payment or authority to proceed with works.
We will share your details with Council Tax Departments and Local Authorities generally who may request your details for planning or enforcement purposes, Utility Companies (for transfers of services).

How we will use your personal information you will supply:
In order to carry out our job as ‘Letting Agents’ we will need to retain all contact details and personal information noted above and hold this data for the duration of the tenancy (or management period for landlords) and for 7 years (Inland Revenue Rules quote 6+1 years) afterwards.

After this period your data will be shredded (paper copies) and deleted from our electronic files.
Data is held during the tenancy / contractual relationship to enable us to carry out our service to landlords and tenants.
Data for Identification Purposes (passport, driving licence, birth certificate and other acceptable forms of ID) is held to comply with Home Office requirements for ‘Right to Rent Checks’ and to comply with our referencing criteria to prove ID and for security purposes.

A range of laws require that data is both held and shared with Government departments/Regulatory Authorities (Right to Rent, Money Laundering Rules, Non Resident Landlord returns, Council Tax and Inland Revenue, Planning and Enforcement.
We use personal information about you for the following purposes:
The legal basis for processing your personal information in these ways is typically one of the following:

  • You have signed a Consent
  • You have instructed to act for you (as a landlord)
  • To manage our relationship as managing agent in our contractual obligations to landlords/tenants.
  • To comply with the Law and Regulatory requirements.

We may sell your personal information to a third party where necessary as part of our legitimate business processes (for example, in the event that our business is purchased by a third party; in the event that the management or administration is to be taken over by third parties or in the event that our assets (for example, our customer databases or contact lists) are purchased by third parties). Should we do this we would ensure it was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

You may withdraw your consent by contacting us (however we may then be unable to provide the required service). There may be reasons (Compliance with the Law) why we may not be able to comply with your request – you will be given these reasons.

How we store information about you:
Data held about you may be in the form of hard copy and this is held at our offices which are secure premises with appropriate security systems and access restricted to known individuals.
Electronic data is secured within our offices using password protected computers and servers with a full range of electronic protections.
Referencing data may be held by Homelet (or any subsequent referencing agent/insurer) and will be held by them according to their own compliant Privacy and Security Policy.

Data Breaches:
You will be informed within 72 hours of any Data Breach.
Please refer to for more details of the legal requirements.
Our current website does not collect information about you to which we have access. It has third party links (those would have their own privacy policies). If our website changes it will include an updated Privacy Notice.

Contacting Nationwide Property Lettings:
If you have any queries or wish to see the Data, we hold about you or would like to change your preferences about contact or sharing please contact us at:
Nationwide Property Lettings
Queens House
College Court
Regent Circus

Call: 01793 513130

You have the right at any time to raise your concern with the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number
Fax: 01625 524 510
More information is available at


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